March 2021—Darin LaHood provides details on his work to make New Philadelphia a national park

We’re thrilled that Congressman Darin LaHood is pushing ahead to make New Phiadelphia a national park.  He’s assembled great information on his own webpage ( and you can follow the bill—currently identified as H.R. 820—on the Congress website We especially like this two minute video from New Philadelphia with cameos by Representative LaHood, and […]

February 2021—Chicago Tribune, Quincy Herald-Whig, Pike County Express articles, WGN and NPR radio interviews, online talk

Lots to report this February.  If you don’t catch it live, the links are and will be here.  In print: The Chicago Tribune published a detailed story about New Philadelphia with loads of photos on February 14, 2021. Kudos and thanks to writer Christine Ledbetter of Hull, Illinois.  You can also view the story as […]

“Reproducing Lucy McWorter’s Dress”—short video shines light on dress, seamstress, freedom struggle

Fashioning Illinois: History Lost and Found from Chris Young on Vimeo. In 1817 Lucy McWorter was the first McWorter to gain her freedom when Frank began his lifelong project of buying family members.  As a result of this choice, her son Squire was born free just a few months later.  The family eventually moved from […]

Fall 2020 New Philadelphia Newsletter in the mail

You may get it via USPS or via email.  Thanks to all our supporters who made this scaled-up newsletter mailing possible! For the pdf, click here.

Bill now in Congress to make New Philadelphia a National Park—Email your support!

As of December 2020, this effort is rolled over to the 2021 Congress.  Letters are not needed at this time.  Do stay tuned. Longtime friend and Congressman Darin LaHood has introduced the New Philadelphia National Historical Park Act, H.R. 8224 to make New Philadelphia, Illinois, a unit of the National Park System.  Please add your […]

Two ways to hear the New Philadelphia story—on July 14, 2020 and (yes) after

Gerald McWorter and Kate Williams-McWorter, who wrote the 2018 book New Philadelphia for the New Philadelphia Association, continue to attract audiences for the story even in the pandemic. Of two recent presentations, the first is still available online, so do help yourself.  And get in touch if you want a live/remote presentation to your group! […]

Honor the Fourth of July this year with New Philadelphia and Frederick Douglass—”What to the Slave is your Fourth of July?”

Join a nationwide “group watch” on July 4, 2020 at 10 am Illinois time, or plan your own Fourth of July viewing anytime.  New Philadelphia descendant Gerald McWorter and other representatives of the nation’s Underground Railroad sites will read the renowned Frederick Douglass speech, “What to the Slave is your Fourth of July?”  Mr. Douglass […]

Bill Camphouse spoke on June 23, 2020–hear the music!

Our third online Likes Lecture was a success like the first two with at least 50 people present; we’re just sorry that the recording failed and we cannot offer it here. On Tuesday, June 23 at 7 pm online, musician and music educator Bill Camphouse of Perry, Illinois spoke about American popular music across the […]

Erika Holst spoke on June 16, 2020—Fashioning Illinois, 1820-1900—recording here

Our second online talk was a success like the first with at least 45 people present.  On Tuesday, June 16 at 7 pm online, Curator Erika Holst of the Illinois State Museum in Springfield spoke about the upcoming exhibit, Fashioning Illinois, 1820-1900. What was it like to make, wear and care for clothes? How did […]

Detail on a family photo emerges—the Hinds family

Our June 9, 2020 speaker Charlotte E. Johnson shared new knowledge about the photo below.  It is in the McWorter family collection and perhaps others as well, but identities were not well known.  It is an 1880 photo of the Hinds family. Left to right, John Thomas, mother Lucy McKinney Hinds, Polly R. in her […]