Join, renew or donate!
Click the yellow button to join or renew your membership, or donate with a card or PayPal.
Or you may send your check to NPA, Box 54, Barry, IL 62312. Thank you!
Our membership levels are below:
- $10 Student membership for the calendar year, renewable each January 1
- $50 Individual membership for the calendar year, renewable each January 1
- $250 Certified Friend of Frank, in honor of Frank McWorter, founder of New Philadelphia
- $500 Certified Friend of Lucy, in honor of Lucy McWorter, Frank’s wife (Frank bought her freedom first so that the baby she was expecting would be born free)
- $1000 Virtual sponsorship of one available lot in the town of New Philadelphia. You’ll receive a welcome letter, a map showing your lot, and a brief history of the lot.
- $1836 Virtual sponsorship of two available lots as a member of the “1836 Club”, named for the year Frank McWorter founded and registered New Philadelphia. Same benefits as above!